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Selection Results

Final Selection

The following artworks have been final selected to be included in our exhibition.

Please Note: The selectors may still decide not to hang your work.

Single track, Coigach by Gwennie Fraser by Gwennie Fraser   

Hidden Links bangle 2 by Janey Boyd   

EAST II by andrew brooks   

2. Fi Bunn - The Matterhorn fire by Fi Photos   

Long Shadows Cast by Sarah Casey   

Ice Watch by Sarah Casey   

Tides and Sands of Time by julie close   

What will you miss? by Tina Codling   

Solitary Echo by Karen Davies   

Heading North from Glen Loth by marianne dey   

Sheep Shelter Camera Projection by Tara Drummie   

Change of Habitat by Georgie Fay   

The Disc by brittonie fletcher   

Signs and Symbols by brittonie fletcher   

My Dress by Lera Grant   

Curlew by samuel heath   

Climate Crisis, Harbour Seals by paul henery   

Atlantic-Formed Sea Plate by brian d hodgson   

Allt nan Uamh by brian hodgson   

Into the bog by Vojta Hýbl   

Ice Cavern by timothy ingleby   

February Woodland by emily ingrey-counter   

"Deer" by anne jackson   

Vision of wilderness 2050 by Young Somerset   

Hope by Kathi Kamleitner   

"Puffin in the sun" by Rebecca Lamb   

Salvage by therese lynch   

Mull Woodland by kit macarthur   

Sphagnum by kit martin   

Deep Time (diptych) by kit martin   

Have You Ever Tried to Enter The Long Black Branches of Other Lives? by valerie mclean   

Douny by tansy lee moir   

a patchwork of beaches by Denis Mollison   

My Wilderness by ana norrie-toch   

"Every Tree, New Life Occurs..." by Natural Leaders Project - Coatbridge Youth Work Team   

Untethered by alison ross   

Liminal by alison ross   

Woodland by fenneke wolters-sinke   

Stormshield by alistair young   

What Next?

If any of your artworks are included in this list, please login, to find out what you need to do next regarding artwork delivery and printing out labels.

If your artwork is not included in this list, then your work has not been selected.

If your artwork was preselected but not final selected or there is a red cross ( ) next to your name. Please login to find out when you need to collect it.